Colon Cancer Screening
Why do we screen? - Colon cancer is the second most common cancer in Ontario, it is also the second leading cause of cancer related deaths. It is estimated that nearly 12,000 patients will be diagnosed of colon cancer in Ontario, and 3000 will die. When colorectal cancer is caught early, 9/10 patients can be cured.
How do we screen?
1. FIT Test - Fecal Immunohistochemistry Test, available to all average risk patients from 50-74, and is repeated every 2 years if it is normal
2. Colonoscopy - Recommended for anyone at high risk of colon cancer (ie: relative with colon cancer) and screening starts 10 years prior to diagnosis of relative.
Limit alcohol consumption - People who drink 25 grams (2 standard drinks) of alcohol per day have a 20% increased risk of colon cancer
Don't Smoke - As with many cancers, smoking increases the risk of colon cancer. Current estimates range from 20-60% based on the study
Limit Red Meat - Eating 100 grams of red meat per day is associated with a 20% increase in colon cancer
Live a healthy lifestyle - A diet rich in fibre, combined with regular exercise can help to lower your risks of colon cancer.
*If you are unsure if you require colon cancer screening, have a discussion with your physician